Thursday, January 15, 2009

Where is the LOVE........

I am not a love guru or an expert about love but I brought up this topic because while I was greeting cards searching I overheard a conversation between a guy and the gift shop sales girl.

The guy was asking about a card he usally buy from the gift shop and the sales girl told the guy that the card he wanted was out of stock. Looking rather dissapointed he asked assistants from the sales girl to find him a card for his love one.......

sales girl: How about this one?
Guy: ok, that will do...(and hurryly went to pay for them)

My gosh where is the love. I feel sorry for whoever his buying the card for. For goodness sake take a little time to think it over, even if your buying an empty card take time to select the right illustration....I can imagine how the person who will be receving the card....

Girl: Aaaawwwww...I feel the same way....tq.
Guy:(thinking-I am gonna score tonight)

Well, I have 1 thing to say to this type of out cause what comes around goes around........

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