Monday, November 17, 2008

Leave it upon God's Hands

Sometimes we can't have everything we wan't just because other people have them. What we have around us, family, friends, cars, education, gym privileges, that little Chanel dress...etc is all parts of building the person we are today. Getting what we want may not help us, it may also fail us in life.

First thing is first if we want something, we got to pray for it. Leave it upon God's hand to let u have it or not. Cause we don't know what will happen tomorrow and only He does. It's up to Him to give.

Just like yesterday, I was worried about my driving test, I prayed that morning for guidance, protection, strenght, wisdom and whatever it is I leave it upon His mighty hands. I took a bus at neighbourhood, apparently bus don't pass as often as before anymore. Although my dad called me half way while I walked to the bus stop to give me a ride I said no thanks and prayed deep down God send me a bus. 20 minutes later the bus came. With the guidance and protection of God I made it to the driving test center. After taking time to do the mock test and some revisions I took the test and passed. Others came in and fail their test and that was the 2nd attempt for them. I must say it wasn't that hard but the questions where purposely misleading at times.

Another time was when I was young, seeing my parents fight all the time made me think if I would ever have a good relationship with anyone in the future. So I prayed for a good relationship and partner. Years past and now I have a wonderful husband. Although we have just been 1 year married and have been together for 11years now of course I still worry about unpredictable things...any girlfriend and wife would, I continue to pray for guidance

Living life is not easy poor or rich. Although outside life is great but inside we cry alone at night...I was like that I tell you I was a wreck...suddenly broke down and cried but I learn to get through it with God's strenght.

I learn to let go of my problems and let God handle them. Although my experience that you have read are not so incredibly wow-weee, I wan't you to try, whether you believe or deny Him. If your ever having a bad day.... leave it upon God's hands sincerely.....


Fridaycat said...

Everyone has their own struggles - so don't ever think what you have been through or are going through is trivial or not 'wowee' enough. We cannot compare whose problems are 'bigger' or 'worse'. God doesn't discriminate, neither should we right? So i agree with you that we should surrender to God, all our problems and trials. I still find that very hard to do but with prayer and perserverance...I think i can get there :)

AmyMaybe said...

Right on sista...and thank you...I also hard to believe until I tried and it is true what He time you will. U only need to try once and ko baru terbuka mata macam si James...heheh