Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Somebody stole the mouse....

I found it lying in Alan's bed. it rest in peace..

When I came to the computer early this morning, I wasn't so surprise the computer mouse went missing cause it was giving me and the rest using the computer some problems lately. Yes I've tried cleaning it, clearing of the dirt or dust from the wheel, no different.

I knew sooner or later somebody was gonna take it off and have it replace but no new mouse was seen anywhere. I intended to get a new one soon as I got my pay this month unfortunately there is a little bit delay with my pay. I knew also my brother, big Alan, would have taken the mouse off cause he gets irritated easily...hahaha.

Not surprise but more furious I remain calm before reemerging each cupboard for an forgotten mouse...I thought I seen one laying around somewhere.... mouse or no mouse I must update my blog.

Thank God I didn't have to wait long just as I was blogging my brother Oliver came and handed me a new mouse..thanks Oliver

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