Sunday, November 30, 2008

Picture Perfect

Everybody dreams of a picture perfect life. A happily ever after.
Graduate and your the man.
Got promoted and your extraordinary.
Married and your perfect.
Have kids and your complete.
Who does not want to be sleeping on a bed of roses?

Unfortunately a perfect life, leads to a BORING life.

People say you got to have some spice in your life. Their right but I say you have to have some 'bumps' in your life. How else are we going to learn and mature for the better.

In a marriage course that I attended, the facilitator ask the class..who in here has not had arguments with their future spouse? If there is a couple here who has not had fights before please leave the room cause if you haven't then you've not understand each other yet. Please come back when you have.

Happy and sad, love and hate goes hand in hand in building a person. The difference is how a person overcomes the situation. The next time you feel that your stuck in a rut- think positive, nurse your battle wounds, dry up your tears with good quality tissue, toss out the bucket of rum flavoured ice cream, put your chin up and turn the other side cause the......


and that's how you live life.... fall and get up again...
no regrets.... just life experiences..

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